Investment Banking

Advisor for listed and private healthcare companies
We advise listed and private healthcare companies on their capital structures, external growth opportunities, major licensing projects and general M&A. We are part of an independent, privately owned global advisory group with offices in Europe, Middle East, China and the United States.
- Creative strategic advice for clients in fast growing healthcare, research driven life science segments and technology
- Quality of execution leading to successful financing and M&A transactions
- We assist our corporate clients in achieving their financing and growth objectives in the global healthcare sector with our equity capital markets and M&A advisory services
- We help our clients to capture international opportunities by providing access to the capabilities and expertise of goetzpartners group, a comprehensive and globally integrated Corporate Finance and Management Consulting firm with 14 offices and more than 350 professionals in Europe, Asia, the US and the Middle East
- Equity Capital Markets – advising corporate clients on equity financings, public offerings including IPOs on all major European stock exchanges and on accelerated book-buildings
- Private placings and pre-IPO financings
- Mergers & Acquisitions – evaluating complex merger situations, defining strategies to achieve maximum value and deal certainty in a divesture, executing a promising external growth opportunity, setting up robust joint ventures structures; advising in public takeover situations